Info About Pets

September 16, 2010

Puppy Teething Tips

Q: What is the best way to deal with puppy teething problems?

A: There are five very important things you should definitely do to make sure that your puppy’s teething period goes as smoothly as possible for both you and your puppy. Try out the tips mentioned below to save your __________ (fill in the blank with a prized possession that you don’t feel is safe from your puppy’s grasps.  Your favorite shoes, your antique wooden table, and expensive books are top contenders.)

(1) Out of Sight, Out of Mind
If there’s something you don’t want your puppy chewing on, put it away somewhere in a closet if possible. If it’s furniture that your puppy loves chewing on, try to keep your puppy away from this via using a crate when you go places and at night, keeping an eye on your puppy, and using baby gates and shut doors to keep your puppy out of these areas and away from the problem spots.

(2) Bitter Apple

Bitter Apple Spray works good for keeping dogs from chewing on things. Bitter apple spray is non-toxic and when the dog licks or chews something with the spray on it, the sour taste deters the dog from continuing. Simply spray the bitter apple spray on things your dog chews on that you’d rather it didn’t. Apply it as often as necessary.
Buy Grannick Bitter Apple Spray for Dogs – 16oz

(3) Give Alternatives

If your dog is teething and doesn’t have anything that belongs to it to chew on, he or she will go for the next best thing: something that belongs to you. Make sure that during your dog’s teething period that it has plenty of chew toys,
(supervise them while playing with any toy, especially rawhides), and teething toys.

(4) Exercise

If your dog is bored, he may chew up things as a way to get some excitement. Exercising your dog the appropriate amount for the breed he/she is will be the best thing if your dog’s chewing is related to boredom.

This Too Shall Pass

Like most things, your dog’s chewing phase will pass. I know it might seem like your dog is going to continue destroying your favorite things, but sooner or later, he’ll grow out of the habit.

February 23, 2010

Dog Care Sheet

golden-fuzzieWeight–Anywhere from 2 to 200+ lbs. depending on the breed. Chihuahuas are the smallest breed, while mastiffs are the biggest.

Height–From 6 to 36 inches at the shoulders.

Life Span–The average life span of a dog is 8-12 years, although some breeds may live as few as 5 years (example–great danes) to as long as 20 (chihuahuas). These are simply the averages; the actual life span of a dog depends on genetics, health, and breed.


Pros–Dogs tend to be playful, clean, affectionate, silly, loyal, sweet, smart, trainable, fun, adventurous, and versatile companions. Only one phrase can fully describe how great of a pet a dog can be: dogs are man’s (or women’s) best friend.

Cons–Dogs can be smelly, need a lot of care, can destroy things if you leave them alone or if they’re puppies, they can be expensive, loud, and need a lot of time and training.

Care Level–8/10–Dogs need a lot of daily care. Every day, you have to feed them, let them out to go to the bathroom, clean their dishes, give them water, play with them, train them, and walk them. When they’re puppies, they need even more care. But the benefits and joy that come out of dog ownership far outweigh the slight inconveniences. A dog will be a loyal and true friend to you, so they’re worth the extra care.

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